ODMAP x Lake Travis Fire Rescue

Short Form Commercial Broadcast | Branded Content | Post-Production & Animation

Lake Travis Fire Rescue was wanting to showcase a new software the department was rolling out to its firefighters on the ground that helps with tracking overdoses. We worked with them to develop a series of videos that showcases what the software is capable of and how it is being used by first responder agencies across the country to combat the distribution of Fentanyl and identify hotspots of where overdoses are occurring. This campaign helped with passing legislation at the Texas capital to make it mandatory for agencies to report this data and also assisted with helping integrate ODMAP into department workflows. This was a hugely successful social impact campaign that had wide reaching effects and was a great collaboration from everyone involved.

Client// Lake Travis Fire Rescue, ODMAP

Director & Executive Producer// Ryan Dowling

Cinematography// Chase Honaker & Ryan Dowling

Editor// Chase Honaker

Animations// Chase Honaker

Producer// Goldie Rankin